Hannah L. Davis
Hannah L. Davis has trained human remains detection K-9s for eleven years and is the founder of East Carolina Search and Recovery, which was established in 2018. She is currently working her third and fourth human remains detection K-9s and has previously certified to SWGDG best practices through team certification with her former partner in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. Her current operational K9, Ayce, is certified in HRD Land with HRD Specialized K9 Training. She is also working toward certification with her newest dog, K9 Roux. On her former team, she served as a K-9 evaluator for new K-9 teams and assisted with developing and instructing Basic K-9 Handler courses. She has apprentice-instructed at four HRD Specialized K9 Training seminars: Thermally Altered Remains and Burned Scenes (2021), Advanced HRD - Crime Scenes (2022), Field Recovery of Human Remains for Law Enforcement and Medico-legal Personnel (2022), and Train the Trainer (2022). She is also the co-host of the weekly Trainer's Corner web series through HRD Specialized K9 Training. In 2023, she will co-instruct Operational Implementation of Clandestine and Historical Grave Detection with Paul Martin.
Hannah’s training interests are in handler development, puppy and young dog development, scenario-based training, foundation training, historic burials, and crime scenes. Her professional background outside of training dogs is in historic preservation, community planning, and small business development.

FEBRUARY 16-19, 2023
Operational Implementation of Clandestine and Historic Grave Detection
During this intensive 4-day course, participants will gain the skills needed to work in an operational clandestine or historic grave search environment. Instructional components will include threshold training, operational-level field work in three search environments varying in age from 1790-1900, mapping, report writing, and handler skill development. The instructional team includes Paul S. Martin, MA, Hannah L. Davis, and Dari Sharp. Working and observational audit spaces are available. Working K9 teams are limited to 12.